WARNING & ADVISEMENT AGAINST OBTAINING LOANS AGAINST YOUR SETTLEMENT From: Law Office of Douglas Loefgren, PLC To: Clients seeking loans against their settlement
WARNING & ADVISEMENT AGAINST OBTAINING LOANS AGAINST YOUR SETTLEMENT From: Law Office of Douglas Loefgren, PLC To: Clients seeking loans against their settlement
DO.. Provide your health insurance information to every single provider associated with this claim. Notify our office every time you start seeing a new medical
MEDICAL CARE: Management of your medical care in a reasonable manner is critical to the proper resolution of your claim. In Arizona, the at-fault driver
When Your Vehicle Will Be Repaired: If your vehicle is operable and safe to drive, then you need to keep driving it until it needs
Disclaimer: Use of this form or website for communication with the Law Office of Douglas Loefgren or any of its members or employees does not establish an attorney/client relationship and is not a contract, binding or otherwise for services. Submission of this form provides permission to the Law Office of Douglas Loefgren for contact by email or telephone as provided herein.