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House in Hands

Arguably, the main mechanism of personal injury is the motor vehicle collision; however, many serious and even life threatening injuries take place wholly apart from the automobile. In Arizona, if you are injured by the negligence of another person, or if you have been bitten by a dog, regardless of the negligence of the dog owner, you may be able to recover compensation from that person’s homeowners insurance liability carrier. This is true even if your injuries occurred away from the property of the homeowner. Of course, such insurance coverage would come into play if you are injured on the homeowner’s property, especially if your injuries were caused by a defective or unsafe condition the property owner knew about but failed to remedy.

At the Law Office of Douglas Loefgren, PLC, we are in the business of assisting injury victims who are harmed (through no fault of their own) by the negligence of another person, or by a dog, no matter where the injury occurs. Please feel free to call us at (602) 274-2300 for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you and welcome any questions you may have.

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