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Dog Bites – Law Office of Douglas Loefgren 2

When dogs attack, the injuries, both mental and physical, are often life-changing. At the Law Office of Douglas Loefgren, PLC, we have over 50 years of experience in representing victims of dog bites. So if you are injured, please call us immediately so that we may assist you in navigating your way through the claims process. We will assist you in the investigation of the case as well as help you make the right connections to obtain medical care from the best doctors in the valley. We will also file a lawsuit and try your case if the situation requires it. So please allow us to assist you. You may contact us at (602) 274-2300 to schedule a free initial consultation.

Liability in a Dog Bite Attack

You should be aware that dog bite injuries can involve both negligence on the part of the dog owner and strict liability. Under a strict liability theory, you have only one year (and not two, as in negligence claims) from the date of injury to resolve your claim or file suit against the dog owner. In strict liability claims, we need only prove that the dog attacked you, and not that the dog owner was negligent in the handling of the dog. Therefore, it is imperitive that you be aware of these special considerations involving dog bite injuries.

Please call us today at (602) 274-2300 to schedule your free consultation. We are also willing to come to your home or hospital room to discuss your case. We look forward to serving you.

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